- Questions & AnswersWhy do we keep kosher? Hasn't religion caused as much suffering as good? What happens after we die? The first Jew began by asking questions, finding answers, and asking questions on the answers. The quest continues... Read More
- Jewish StoriesHundreds of Jewish stories from the sages, the Chassidic masters, and contemporary Jewish storytellers Read More
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Under the direction of Rabbi Sadya Davidoff and his wife Shimona, Chabad of Shoreline, founded in 2018, offers many programs, services, and events to all ages in the Jewish community of the Shoreline area.
"Our goal is building a lasting edifice upon which the community feels uplifted through engaging programs, nourishing connections, spiritual enrichment and unconditional love. "
Our mission
"Our goal is building a lasting edifice upon which the community feels uplifted through engaging programs, nourishing connections, spiritual enrichment and unconditional love. "
Learning & Inspiration
- How Do We Know That We Heard G‑d at Sinai?The greatest conspiracy theory of all time is materialism. The second greatest conspiracy theory is... Read More
Our Facebook Page
Upcoming Events
Sun, February 16, 2025 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Tu B'shvat Art Exhibition
Daily Quote
From the time that man ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, there is a great jumble in the universe: there is no good without some evil mixed in, and no evil without good
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi